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[When the acquisition of summer grain] The provincial reserve grain company directly under Ku Duke and do a good job of the acquisition of summer grain
Release time: 2024-06-04 11:11:25

        This year's summer grain acquisition has been launched one after another,Provincial Reserve Grain Company Direct library directly under the harvest of the summer grain,Multi -measures and do a good job of preparing for the acquisition of summer grain,Get in the warehouse、People are waiting for food、Money and other grains、Machine and other seabet clubgrains,Help seabet casino reviewfarmer comfortable to sell food,Efforts to complete the summer grain acquisition mission。
        Jiangning Kuki held a seminar for acquisition,According to Curry's existing warehouse capacity,Do a good job of finishing and maintenance and Qingwei disinfection before the acquisition,Make sure & ldquo; Cangs such grain & rdquo;,Carry out summer grain acquisition talk,Clear acquisition requirements、The acquisition process,Improve business level and service capabilities,Do & ldquo; others waiting for food & rdquo; actively communicate and coordinate,Hurry up to raise acquisition funds,Standard & ldquo; Card & rdquo; settlement,Make sure & ldquo; money and other grains & rdquo;。At the acquisition site,Personnel of various departments conducts a pound in an orderly manner、Cut sample、Quality Inspection、Measurement、Enter the library、Settlement and other links,Announced the acquisition policy in the eye -catching location in the reservoir area、Quality Standards and other information,Public Supervision and Report Acceptance Phone,It is convenient to deal with the problems reflected by the general public in time and properly handle。Next,Jiangning Kuku will seabet clubseabet casino reviewcontinue to unify thinking,Improve the position,Strengthen organizational coordination,Improve work efficiency,Grasp the service guarantee,Make sure the storage and storage of food is in place,Make sure that the summer harvest is efficiently completed。
        Xinyi Kuki held summer grain acquisition of clean warning education conference,Organize all personnel to thoroughly study the relevant management system and legal knowledge,Carry out collective integrity conversation reminders and grain acquisition of integrity,Participants signed a promise letter of integrity。The meeting requested that all people to play in summer grain & ldquo; the first shot & rdquo;,Both the duties of their duties,It is necessary to cooperate with each other,All members attach great importance to the acquisition of summer grain; summarize experience,Do a good job,Improve the utilization rate of warehouse capacity; get out of the warehouse area,Go to the front line,Strive to acquire the source of food and grab food; clarify responsibility,Strictly abide by the system,Make sure the acquisition of summer grain is completed smoothly。
        Yancheng Library carried out the Xia Fa acquisition of a clean government seabet casino reviewseabet casino revieweducation class in Xialiang, which is the title of "Persistence of the Bottom Line",And the 2024 summer grain acquisition collective clean reminder conversation for all employees and key positions,Tightly acquired & ldquo; six bans & rdquo;、& ldquo; Five five are not allowed & rdquo; and & ldquo; three will never allow & rdquo;,Outstanding & ldquo; strict & rdquo; main tone,Require all employees,Especially for key positions,Stick to the bottom line、No more red line,Keep in mind the mission of state -owned food enterprise employees。
        Guanyun Modern Library organizes a mobilization meeting for summer grain acquisition,Requires various departments to plan in advance、Organization deployment,Compact responsibility,Refined target tasks,A comprehensive arrangement of the summer harvest work。In order to create an environment of summer grain acquisition of the wind and clear the air,Tree's bottom line consciousness,Carry the main responsibility,Strictly implement the requirements of party and government responsibility for food security,The responsible comrades of the Ku area led all party members and cadres to read & ldquo; Grain acquisition of clean oath & rdquo;seabet online sports bettingseabet club,Taking the acquisition of summer grain as the most important political task and center work,Make sure that the summer harvest is smoothly carried out。

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