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Provincial Grain Group Party Committee's inspection work leadership group held the fifth round of inspection work mobilization deployment meeting
Release time: 2023-03-17 09:29:30

        On the afternoon of March 14,Provincial Grain Group Party Committee's inspection work team held the fifth round of inspection work mobilization deployment meeting。Su Zhifu, deputy team leader of the group party committee's inspection work leading group、Zhu Changbing、Xu Xingqi,Inspection Office、All members of the inspection team,Secretary of the party committee of the inspection enterprise、Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission attended the meeting。
        The main task of the meeting is guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialism seabet betting platformwith seabet online sports bettingChinese characteristics and the spirit of the 20th major spirit of the party,In -depth study and implementation of the Second Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission's Third Plenary Session of the Latest Deployment Requirements for Inspection,Unified Thought、Gathering Power、Clear goals、Promoting development,Strongly carry out the fifth round of inspections,Realize the full coverage target task,Provides strong political guarantees for the Group's high -quality development。
        Will on the way,Comrade Xu Xingqi read the list of the fifth round of the group party committee.、The team leader of the inspection team authorized to work and task division of labor。
        Comrade Su Zhifu speech,Delivery and requirements for the inspection work of the Group's Party Committee in 2023。He pointed out,This year is the year of fully implementing the party's 20th spirit.,It is also a key year to promote the full coverage of the group's party committee,Do a good job of inspections、It is significant。Key starting from four aspects:
        seabet casino review。To adhere to the positioning of political inspections,Effective & ldquo; two maintenance & rdquo;,Consciously passing the latest requirements throughout the whole process、All aspects。To strengthen the consciousness of good start and good,Deeply understand and grasp the decision -making deployment of the party committee of the group,Based on corporate functional positioning,Strengthening responsibility,Flexible use of the good experience and practice of accumulation of the first four rounds of inspections,Grasp the rules of work,Improve work benchmark,High -quality completion of the group's party committee inspection full coverage task。
        The second is to accurately grasp the key tasks of inspections,Give full play to the deterrent effect of the inspection and sharp sword。To accurately grasp & ldquo; four implementation & rdquo; requirements,Both discover the common problems on the face,More based on the functional positioning of the company's company,Find a personalized problem。Keep an eye on the key minority,Comprehensively strengthen the company's head & rdquo;、Squad members & ldquo; One post and dual responsibility & rdquo; responsibility and party organization's main responsibility, and the supervision and inspection of the supervision responsibility of disciplinary inspection agencies。
        Third is to do deep and do real & ldquo; The second half of the article & rdquo;,Efforts to improve the effectiveness of promoting reform and development governance。The inspection party organization must carefully perform the main responsibility of the inspection and rectification,The members of the leadership team must implement & ldquo;,To be responsible for the heart、Responsible for the body、Performance to the line。We must adhere to the establishment of the reform and reform and comprehensive rectification.,Group Discipline Inspection Commission、The Organization Department of the Party Committee and the Inspection Office must take the supervision and inspection of the problem rectification and inspection as the duties in the division,Make sure the inspection feedback is rectified & ldquo; see the bottom clear zero & rdquo;,Effectively exert supervision and guarantee execution、Promote the important role of development。
        Fourth is to strengthen the same question and answer,Fully guarantee the implementation of the work of this round of inspections。The inspection party organization must strengthen the political consciousness of accepting inspections、Thought consciousness and action conscious,Fully supports cooperation with the inspection team to carry out work,Face the problem without avoiding,Dare to unveil short bright ugly。Inspectoring cadres must effectively enhance the ability to perform their duties,Consciously accept supervision,Take the lead in implementing the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee and the Ten Provisions of the Provincial Party Committee,firmly establish & ldquo; two positions & rdquo; concept,Strictly execute & ldquo; two no & rdquo; regulations,Make sure that inspections can stand the test of history and practice。

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