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Group Food Trade Management Center's establishment conference is successfully held
Release time: 2023-12-26 16:39:28

        In order to deepen the reform of the management system and mechanism of the business management system,Focus on strengthening the overall operation、Improve business quality seabet cluband efficiency,seabet clubEnhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise,December 18,Provincial Grain Group Holding the Founding Conference of the Grain Trade Management Center,General Manager of the Group、Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Su Zhifu,Deputy General Manager of the Group、Member of the Party Committee to Xinyue,Huang Guobo, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Trade Management Center,Deputy Secretary Wang Yuechuan,The personnel of the relevant departments of the group and all the staff of the trade management center attended the establishment meeting。
        At the establishment conference,Su Zhifu expressed warm congratulations to the establishment of the Food Trade Management Center。He pointed out,Grain trade is an important business segment of the group,The establishment of the Food Trade Management Center is another major event in the history of the group's reform and development,It has a milestone significance。On the new journey,Promoting the seabet clubreform of the seabet clubreform of the business management system to promote the reform of the business management system,From a blueprint to reality。He emphasized,To unify the consensus consensus,firm development confidence,To achieve this is a must、Active as、Good for good work;,Comprehensively improve business quality and efficiency,Continuously optimized the collection and storage network,Diversified types of trade types,Improve the market -oriented operation management mechanism; strengthen management to integrate,Improve the level of governance,Do a good job of integrating development,Strictly keep the bottom line thinking,Practice operation。Work together to accelerate the high -quality development of the food trade sector,Taking new weather and new results,Make new contributions for the Group's Forwarding to build a national industry first -class enterprise。
        Expecting and specific requirements for the establishment seabet online sports bettingseabet cluband development of the Grain Trade Management Center to Xinyue,All cadres and employees of the Trade Management Center must use a high sense of political responsibility and historical mission,A solid and steady implementation of various reform tasks is in place,I hope everyone is motivated、Struggle、Creating a good achievement。
        Huang Guobo made a statement at the meeting,To condense together,Contributions to the Group's high -quality development contribution should be due;,Take the new & ldquo; Long March Road & rdquo;,Erotic mental state,A solid work style,Use the new results of promoting reform to the whole & ldquo; Su Fairen & RDQUO;。

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