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Jiangsu Province Jianghai Grain and Oil Group Co., Ltd. 1200TPD Botanical Oil Refining Project Engineering Project Second Trial Invitation Letter
Release time: 2024-04-03 17:29:38

Jiangsu Province Food Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as & ldquo; Provincial Food Group & RDQUO;) The audit agency of the plan to participate in the second instance of the second instance of the 1200TPD plant oil refinement project of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Province,Now invited your company to conduct audit work expenses。
I. Project Overview
1. Project name
Jiangsu Province Jianghai Grain and Oil Group Co., Ltd. 1200TPD Botanical Oil Refining Project。
2. Introduction to the project
(1) Project location: Zhangjiagai, Grain and Oil, Zhangjiagang Industrial Park, No. 1, Baodao Road, Jinang Town, Zhangjiagang City。
(2) Project construction content
Refined Workshop: 1200 tons of daily processing vegetable oil,Annual processing vegetable oil 360,000 tons,and supporting pipe gallery trestle、Oil platform; sewage treatment station: design processing scale is 1000T/d; 1 fire pump room; 2 in the production of attached tanks,Affiliated tank area A total capacity of 990m & sup3;,The total capacity of the two attached tank areas 730m & sup3; 1 seat in the initial rain pool,The valid volume 150m & sup3; 1 seat,Design 60T。Supporting floor、Wall、Gongwen、Gate、Greening and other supporting facilities。
(3) Total investment seabet clubof the project: seabet casino reviewapproval budget investment 131.397 million yuan。
3. Work content
(1) The basis for review and settlement of the review: review completion settlement preparation basis whether it meets the relevant national regulations,Whether the information is complete,Is the procedure complete,Is it compliant with the leftover problem。
(2) The amount of review project: verify the amount of construction project; the amount and price difference of the review of the materials; reviewing the hidden acceptance records; the use of the quota of the review engineering; the category of reviewing the project; Specific calculation error。
(3) Review project contract: whether the relevant documents are complete、Legal compliance。
(4) Other key concerns.
2. Work requirements
1. The calculation of engineering cost should be ensured during the audit process of engineering settlement,Policy、Regulations to grasp correctly; pay attention to the project project of the project、Design、Approval、Bidding、Construction、Completion of legal、Compliance、Reasonable,Whether the change of the project has fulfilled the legitimate procedure, etc.; The preliminary examination opinion in the preliminary review opinion should be explained;。
2. During the audit period of engineering settlement,Auditors of the office must abide by the relevant rules and regulations of the provincial grain group and project units,Obey Management,Conservation and quantitative work to complete the engineering settlement audit related work arranged by the provincial grain group。
3, bid requirements
1. Qualification requirements: The bidding unit has an independent legal person qualification (provides a copy of the business license and stamped with the official seal of the unit);
2. Forces: At least 3 senior service personnel are assigned to the supplier team (3 senior service personnel must meet the following conditions at the same time: at least one of the senior service personnel with A.3 senior service personnel must be equipped with at least one construction engineering seabet sports bettingmajor Or registered cost engineer seabet casino reviewfor municipal majors,At least one supervisor engineer at the same time; B. 3 senior service personnel must have the title of senior engineer),Experience of the entire process of engineering projects;
3. Performance requirements: Suppliers for nearly 5 years (from January 1, 2019 to the present to the present,Taking the time of contract signing) shall have 3 or more investment scale to reach the audit experience and complete cases of major investment projects of a state -owned enterprise in a major state -owned enterprise;
4. Avoiding requirements: Participate in the compilation of the project bid for the project、Tracking Audit、Settlement agency shall avoid;
5. Integrity requirements: Strictly implement the audit institution & ldquo;,Do not contact Party A and construction units privately;
6. Confidential requirements: Strictly abide by the requirements of confidentiality discipline,Confidential information such as Party A and the business secrets of Party A and construction units known to the business process,and sign a confidential commitment letter;
7. Time limit requirements: The audit time limit is issued within one month after providing the audit related materials for a complete audit material。
8. This service fee includesBasic charges and benefits charges,Among them: basic cost standard 30,000,Effective charging standards are quoted by the bidding unit at the nuclear reduction ratio。Audit service fee Signed and stamped with the project settlement review form (three parties) and the formal report is issued after the issuance is issued。
9. The quotation letter shall be attached to the case of other similar project case certification materials、A copy of the professional qualification certificate、Working instructions, etc.。
4. Bid evaluation methods
1. This bid evaluation team consists of relevant personnel of the Provincial Grain Group and the Provincial Jianghai Company。
2. This bid evaluation adopts a comprehensive scoring method,The highest score won the bid。The scoring rules are detailed, seabet clubplease refer to the specification of the bid。
5. Submitting requirements for quotation letter
seabet casino review1. Quotation Letter 1,Seal in the envelope with the relevant proof materials。
2. The quotation letter Please please before 11:00 am on April 8, 2024,Delivery to Room 2510, Su Grain International Building。
3. Contact: Guan Chao,Contact number: 025-68529971。
                               Provincial Grain Group Audit Risk Control Department
                                 April 3, 2024
Bid evaluation and details
points composition
(total score 100 points)
Bid offer:  40  points
Work plan:  40  points
Project leader:  8  points
Project team:  7  points
Service commitment:  3  points
Others:  2  points
The calculation method of the standard price of the bid evaluation base This tender,The average reduction in the percentage of the nuclear reduction of the valid quotation is the benchmark price,The benchmark price is the full score of price points,40 points。
seabet club Scoring factors Score Standards
Bid offer
Score Standards
40) points
Bidding quotation and the benchmark price bias equal to the standard price of bid evaluation (40) points
At a deduction of 2 points of a thousandth of the quota reduction ratio of the basis for the basis of the standard for the bid evaluation
One point is deducted by one thousandth of the quota nuclear reduction ratio of the basis for the basis for the basis of the bid evaluation
Working plan
(40) points
1. Work plan design complete,Clear thinking,It has operability,Make sure to complete the required time,30-40 points;
2. Work plan design is relatively complete,Thinking is relatively clear,It has certain operability,Basically completed within the required time,get 20-30 points;
3. The work plan is not clear,Lack of operating,Unable to complete the required time,10-20 points。
Project leader
(8) points
1. With registered cost engineers or senior professional titles,and have 10 years of experience,up to 8 points;
2. With registered cost engineers or senior professional titles,and have experience with 5 years or more,up to 6 points;
3. Have registered cost engineers or senior professional titles,and have less than 5 years of experience,At most 4 points。
Project team
(7) points
1. Invest 5 people in the core personnel of this project,Seeing its previous work resume,Personnel participating in the nature of the project、scale score,up to 7 points;
seabet online sports betting2. Invest 4 and seabet casino reviewbelow of the core personnel of this project,Seeing its previous work resume,Personnel participating in the nature of the project、scale score,At most 4 points。
Service commitment
(3) points
The extent of the promise and expectations,Satisfaction 3 points,General 1-2 points,Dissatisfied 0 points。
Other (2) points Each judge has a comprehensive judgment of the bidding unit 0-2 points.

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