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The Provincial Grain Group Youth League Committee was evaluated by the advanced unit of the work of the Communist Youth League of the province in 2023
Release time: 2024-04-30 16:46:39

        Recent,The Communist Youth League Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee feedback the provincial and ministerial enterprises in 2023、Scientific Research Institute、Industry (System) Communist Youth League work evaluation results,Provincial Grain Group Youth League Committee 2023 Communist Youth League work evaluation is & ldquo; good & rdquo;,Provincial Grain Group Youth League Committee was rated as & ldquo; 2023 The Provincial Communist Youth League advanced unit & rdquo;。
        2023,Under the correct leadership of the Youth League Committee and the Group's Party Committee,In -depth development of members and youth learning and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education,Focus on & ldquo;、Responsibilities and mission for breeding talents & rdquo;,Vigorously promote & ldquo;,Not damaging a grain & rdquo; food preservation spirit,Continue to carry out & ldquo; green blue engineering & rdquo; & ldquo; horse racing project & rdquo; & ldquo; Knowing project & rdquo;,Leading the youth of the group members of the group's youth firmly ideals and beliefs,Ying Youth Mission,A song of youth in the new era with the power of youth。
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        Since its establishment in March 2023,Continuously strengthening young ideological and political leadership,Education guidance and seabet clubseabet betting platformguidance of young members of the majority of members unswervingly listen to the party、Go with the party。In the first time, the Central and Youth League Provincial Party Committee & ldquo; Youth Study & RDQUO; Resources,Set up floating learning pop -up window、& ldquo; Su Gan is learning & lsquo; Xi & rsquo; & rdquo; column、& ldquo; Xi Runxin & rdquo; column。Relying on & ldquo; three sessions, two systems and one lesson & rdquo; institutional mechanism,Promote 4 theme theory Learning、Full coverage。Create Su Gliss Youth Lecturer Team,Carrying out the special training of focus preaching and young employees,Give full play to the role of young party members' demonstration to drive more than 10 learning groups,Organization & ldquo; Su Fa Xin reports to the party's relay report & rdquo; recite、& ldquo;,phase & lsquo; Reading & rsquo; peers & rdquo; reading sharing & ldquo; Hui & rdquo;、More than 10 items such as new ideological network training courses,Open & ldquo; Youth Heart to the Party、New era & rdquo; Youth School 4。By grasping the youth theoretical armed forces,Make the party's innovation theory into the mind,The young members of the majority of members think in school、Enlightenment in thought、During the Wuzhongbing,Political judgment、Political understanding、Political execution is significantly enhanced。
        Focusing on the solid base, the organization's organizational strength is steadily enhanced
        Gathering to improve political understanding、Enhance the ability to perform duties,Create a set of clear functions、Coordinated efficiency、Service Grassroots、Working system with excellent style。Continuously and improved with the group organization team,Do a good job of reserves of cadres in the group。Continue to do a good job of & ldquo; Smart Group Jian & rdquo; & ldquo; Youth Learning & RDQUO;。Do a good job of leaving the group for a long time、Newcoming group members Organization Relationships Resignation,Make sure & ldquo; academic connection & rdquo; rate 100%。Actively create & ldquo; group building+& rdquo; innovation mode。Through the instructor seabet casino reviewseabet casino reviewwith apprentices、Blue Project、Skills training、Project Covenant、Technical innovation and so on & ldquo;,Cultivate a batch of learning types、Knowledge type、Skills、Innovation type、Research youth talents。Focusing & ldquo; emergency and dangerous re -& rdquo; task,Surrounded by & ldquo; seed chip & rdquo;、Key project of business business、Intelligent management of agricultural products、Green Grain Storage Innovation Technology、Huai'an Huangqian's key engineering projects and other key engineering projects & ldquo; Youth Civilization Number & RDQUO; & LDQUO; Youth positions & rdquo; & ldquo; Youth Safety Production Demonstration Post & RDQUO; & LDQUO; quo; & ldquo; Youth Assault Team & rdquo;,Mobilize the majority of young people in service guarantee and help the development of the grain industry.、Yong Dang Pioneer。2023 Active and provincial enterprises、District City、Street and other group construction and co -construction activities,Focus on strengthening the construction of youth talent teams、Rich practical platform function、Promoting the cooperation of industry -university -research cooperation and other topics conducting group conditions,Build resource sharing、A good interactive mechanism of superimposed advantages。
        Focus on the owner's responsibility, and the grassroots service power continues to improve
        Strongly carry out youthful work activities,Widely carried out youth research。Give full play to the group organization level less、High level of flatness、Unique advantages with outstanding professional characteristics,Construction and implementation & ldquo; 1+1+n & rdquo; working mechanism,A overall promotion plan & rdquo; & ldquo; a task list & rdquo; & ldquo; N job reminder & rdquo;,Continue to promote the service at the grassroots level to go deeply。Extensive development & ldquo; I do practical things for youth & rdquo;,Deeper into the grass -roots youth employees、In -depth production front line、Deep in the grassroots grain depot、In -depth service objects carry out investigations and research to form a wish seabet clubseabet sports bettinglist,The real envoy organizes the group members and young people when they encounter difficulties in the group、Find it、The power of reliable。Actively build & ldquo; Party Committee Supervision、League of the Youth League Committee、Department collaboration & rdquo; mechanism,Around & ldquo;,Multi -channel understanding of the youth dynamics and actual concern of the youth members。Regularly organize a symposium at the group level,Invite Group's main leaders、In charge of personnel leaders、Organizational departments in -depth participation,Listening to the rational opinion suggestions of the youth,combed the tracking and implemented,Build a stage for the growth of young people、Provide a platform。
        The overall situation of service development, Tuanqing brand power initially highlights
        Explore the construction of & ldquo; Honghe & rdquo; matrix system,Step on the implementation of & ldquo; green blue engineering & rdquo; & ldquo; horse racing project & rdquo; & ldquo; Knowing project & rdquo;,Through & ldquo; green blue & rdquo; join hands,Learning together,Reasonable forging structure、Underly quality youth teams; promote young employees in & ldquo; management innovation & rdquo; & ldquo; safety guarantee & rdquo; & ldquo; technology research and development & rdquo; & ldquo; Question research and Lexian Get Overnight、Innovative and excellent actions; enrich the youth service carrier,Promote the comprehensive use of internal and external resources at all levels,Establish online and offline life services、Learning and exchange position,enrich the cultural life of young employees; establish & ldquo; Honghe & rdquo; & ldquo; Hong Mancang & ldquo; & ldquo; rdquo; & ldquo; Hongyu Grain & rdquo; waiting for youth More than ten volunteer service teams,Attract nearly a hundred young volunteers spontaneously,Greening in planting trees、Charity Donation、Caring for condolences、Public welfare blood donation、Volunteer service and other activities to practice the responsibility of state -owned enterprises,Showing the youth of the Su Grain in the new era; the work of the group center and the need for youth,Further increase seabet betting platformseabet online sports bettingin the group youth position、Volunteer Service、Skills improvement、Resource integration intensity in youth dating,Accelerate the realization of brand leaders、Typical drive、Bring it with a point、Effective integration work target,Effectively improve the leadership of the Communist Youth League、Organizational force、Services and overall contribution。
        Next,The Youth League Committee will be under the strong leadership of the Youth League Provincial Party Committee and the Group's Party Committee,Guidance with Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Continue focusing on the actual reform and development of the group、Services to ensure the overall situation of food and safety,Deepen innovation efficiency,Comprehensive and strict governance group,Unity leads the group members of the group with the spirit of the group、Standard posture、New actions,Make Pioneer in the Group's High -quality Leaping Development,Dangying General。

Previous:Provincial Grain Group held the "May 4th" commendation meeting and youth exchange symposium
Next:Provincial Grain Group Party Discipline Learning and Education Work Class held a work promotion meeting