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Provincial Reserve Grain Company Party Committee held a special training for party discipline learning and education
Release time: 2024-06-10 08:28:55

        In -depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on strengthening party discipline construction,Promoting the company's party discipline learning and education achieved real results,May 24th to 25th,Provincial Reserve Grain Company Party Committee held a special training seabet casino reviewmeeting for party discipline seabet clubeducation and education,Invite experts from the Provincial Party School's Clean Government Education Research Center to make special counseling reports。Provincial Party Committee Secretary of the Provincial Reserve Grain Company、Chairman Huang Xirong attended the training and speak,Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Provincial Food Group Lin Li attended the meeting and teach。
        Will on the way,Provincial Party Committee Secretary of the Provincial Reserve Grain Company、Chairman Huang Xirong put forward requirements for the solid and orderly development of party discipline learning and education,First, we must deeply understand the significance of organizing this training and learning,Improve the effect of party discipline learning and education,Fully master the content and spiritual essence of the Regulations。Second, we must firmly consciously keep discipline。Adhere to the party spirit, party style and party discipline,Make the process of learning party discipline enhanced discipline awareness、The process of improving seabet online sports bettingseabet sports bettingparty spirit cultivation,Convert the effectiveness of party discipline construction into a powerful motivation for the company's development。Third, the goal requirements of party discipline learning and education in the province's grain safety responsibilities。It is necessary to combine party discipline learning and education with the key tasks of the company's reform and development of the company,With iron discipline guarantee the high -quality development of provincial reserves and grain companies。
        Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Provincial Food Group Lin Li around & ldquo;,Strict discipline rules,Strictly check the actual and actual & rdquo;。Interpretation from the focus of the revision and implementation of the "Regulations",The seriousness and importance of party discipline learning,Analysis of typical cases of disciplinary violations in recent years,Requires all party members to consciously use the newly revised "Regulations" to correct the idea and action,Enhance the cultivation of party spirit、Promoting Chonglian refusing corruption,Efforts to learn、Zhiji、Mingji、Establish higher standards seabet betting platformin seabet betting platformthe concept、Strict requirements。
        Director of the Provincial Party School's Clean Government Education Research Center、Professor、Master Student Zhang Guizhen made a special counseling report,The significance of revising the "Regulations" from deeply、Accurately grasp the main content、Learning and understanding experience three aspects, etc., interpret,Make all party members further enhance discipline consciousness、Strengthen self -constraint、Improve immunity,It has strong pertinence and guidance。
        This training takes a special lecture、Watch the alarm film、Research and Exchange、On -site teaching, etc.,Provincial Party Organization Secretary at all levels of provincial reserve grain companies、The main person in charge of each directly under the library and branch member,The Party Branch of the Company Headquarters、A total of 59 members of the Provisional Party Branch of the Supervision Center participated in training。

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