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Provincial Grain Group Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center Group held a special study seminar for party discipline learning and education
Release time: 2024-04-26 17:33:04

        In the afternoon of April 25,Group Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center Group held the third study seminar in 2024,Special Learning of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the spirit of important expositions and instructions for the party's discipline construction,Combined with the study of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" for exchanges and discussions。General Manager of the Group、Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Su Zhifu presided over the study seminar and speak。
        Conference emphasized,The group must be & ldquo;,Learn political loyalty。We must continue to strengthen thoughts and consciousness。Take the study of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist seabet clubParty of China" as a compulsory course、seabet casino reviewFrequency Course,Education guidance to the majority of party members、Read word by word and sentence、Comprehensive system enlightenment,truly internalizing the party discipline、externalization of externalization; we must continue to strictly adhere to political discipline。Through learning and implementing the Regulations,Education guides the majority of party members to deeply understand the firm support & ldquo;、Resolutely achieve & ldquo; two maintenance & rdquo;,Further strict political discipline and political rules; continuously tempering loyalty character。Practical measures to consolidate and expand the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education for the new era,Education guides the majority of party members to further enhance discipline awareness、Improve the cultivation of party spirit、Promotion & ldquo; Political Triangle & RDQUO;。
        The meeting pointed out,The group should use & ldquo; instead of seeking & rdquo; innovation,Learn to be awe。Dare to adhere to the principle。Learning through learning,Strictly strengthen self -education、Self -Management、Self -constraint,Keep & ldquo; corrosion & rdquo; & ldquo; sober understanding of hunting & rdquo;,Always hold discipline and rules in front,Consciousness & ldquo; Feng Ji buckle & rdquo;,Do an example of obeying the discipline; keep the bottom line defense line。Learning through learning,Deeply realize the mission of my own、Responsibility,Enhance the consciousness seabet clubof worry、Strengthen seabet online sports bettingthe bottom line thinking、Improve risk prevention and control ability;。Learning through learning,Further strong confidence、Converted wind、Titan Qi,Further strengthen the investigation and research,Perfect supervision and inspection and assessment,Resolutely correct formalism、bureaucracy,Continue to create unity and forge ahead、Director of Entrepreneurship、Political Ecology of the wind and clear air。
        Meeting requirements,The group should be up and down with & ldquo; Tiandao rewarding & rdquo;,Learn the mission and responsibility。To improve the ability to lead the mind。Persevere in beliefs through learning、Thought leaders、Behavioral demonstration and other aspects of example、First 垂 范,Pay attention to strengthening the daily education and management supervision of party members and employees,Be a good leader in thought;。Learning through learning,Pay attention to improving the ability to think and analyze and study grain safety work from strategic global overall situation,The ability to accurately grasp the law of grain work accurately from historical development,The ability to judge the opportunity challenges faced from the perspective of work practice;。Learning through learning,Establish and practice the correct concept of political achievements,Focus on the current reform and development、Grain Safety、The shortcomings of the party's construction and other aspects,Exploring the solution to the problem of solving problems in deepening party discipline seabet clublearning and education、Law of resolving seabet sports bettingcontradictions,Really solve a group of problems that restrict high -quality development。
        Conference emphasized,The group should be up and down with the pioneering trend of & ldquo;,Learn development results。To persist in problem orientation,Fully promote high -quality development。Focus on the main responsibility、Pick up the main responsibility,In production and operation、Internal Management、Operation quality and efficiency、Deepening reforms and other aspects continue,Tightly live,Budget Management、Cost control can be strict with discipline、Strict responsibility、Strict management; we must adhere to the target -oriented,Fully grasp the key tasks。Around the key work of the year,Reform of the continuous deepening of the reserve system mechanism、Trading platform integration、Construction of major projects、Deepen the reform and improvement of state -owned enterprises、Promoting & ldquo; Yijiang and two gardens & rdquo; fusion and other aspects of charts,Promoting key tasks for promotion of quality and quantity; adhere to the effect orientation,Improve work effectiveness。The departments of the headquarters must do a good job of service protection,Improve service quality and efficiency,Systematic deployment、Through Promotion、Quantitative Supervision Office Explorer Explosion,Enterprises at all levels should be compressed and composed of responsibility,Make sure that various tasks can advance in order in order。
        During the meeting,Participants learned the central government seabet online sports bettingcollectively、The spirit of the work seabet betting platformconference of the Provincial Party Discipline Learning Education and Education and "Xi Jinping's Disciples of Comprehensive and Strictly Govern the Party", "Xi Jinping's Disciplinary and Rules for the Party"。
        Member of the leadership team of the group party committee、The person in charge of the second -level enterprise、The heads of the headquarters departments attended the meeting,and combined with party discipline learning and education,Focus on the actual work,Discussion and exchange。

seabet sports bettingProvincial Grain Group Party Committee Party Disciplinary Study Education Special Reading Class
Next:Provincial Grain Group held the "May 4th" commendation meeting and youth exchange symposium